This is an index of the following types:
The first column is the type's initial character.
Name | Origin | Description | |
C | AbstractLazyCollection | Doctrine\Common\Collections | Lazy collection that is backed by a concrete collection |
M | add() | AbstractLazyCollection | Adds an element at the end of the collection. |
C | ArrayCollection | Doctrine\Common\Collections | An ArrayCollection is a Collection implementation that wraps a regular PHP array. |
M | add() | ArrayCollection | Adds an element at the end of the collection. |
M | add() | Collection | Adds an element at the end of the collection. |
M | andWhere() | Criteria | Appends the where expression to evaluate when this Criteria is searched for using an AND with previous expression. |
M | andX() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | addMethod() | Unit | |
M | addClosure() | Unit | |
M | addParam() | Unit | |
M | add() | UnitList | |
M | add() | UnitResult |
M | blendTo() | Color |
P | $AbstractLazyCollection | AbstractLazyCollection | The backed collection to use |
M | count() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | clear() | AbstractLazyCollection | Clears the collection, removing all elements. |
M | contains() | AbstractLazyCollection | Checks whether an element is contained in the collection. |
M | containsKey() | AbstractLazyCollection | Checks whether the collection contains an element with the specified key/index. |
M | current() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets the element of the collection at the current iterator position. |
M | current() | ArrayCollection | Gets the element of the collection at the current iterator position. |
M | containsKey() | ArrayCollection | Checks whether the collection contains an element with the specified key/index. |
M | contains() | ArrayCollection | Checks whether an element is contained in the collection. |
M | count() | ArrayCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | clear() | ArrayCollection | Clears the collection, removing all elements. |
I | Collection | Doctrine\Common\Collections | The missing (SPL) Collection/Array/OrderedMap interface. |
M | clear() | Collection | Clears the collection, removing all elements. |
M | contains() | Collection | Checks whether an element is contained in the collection. |
M | containsKey() | Collection | Checks whether the collection contains an element with the specified key/index. |
M | current() | Collection | Gets the element of the collection at the current iterator position. |
C | Criteria | Doctrine\Common\Collections | Criteria for filtering Selectable collections. |
M | create() | Criteria | Creates an instance of the class. |
C | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | Walks an expression graph and turns it into a PHP closure. |
C | Comparison | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | Comparison of a field with a value by the given operator. |
C | CompositeExpression | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | Expression of Expressions combined by AND or OR operation. |
M | contains() | ExpressionBuilder | |
C | Color | nochso\Benchmark\Util | Color. |
M | doInitialize() | AbstractLazyCollection | Do the initialization logic |
M | dispatch() | ExpressionVisitor | Dispatches walking an expression to the appropriate handler. |
P | $Report | Report | |
P | $Timer | Timer |
M | exists() | AbstractLazyCollection | Tests for the existence of an element that satisfies the given predicate. |
M | exists() | ArrayCollection | Tests for the existence of an element that satisfies the given predicate. |
M | exists() | Collection | Tests for the existence of an element that satisfies the given predicate. |
M | expr() | Criteria | Returns the expression builder. |
I | Expression | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | Expression for the {@link Selectable} interface. |
C | ExpressionVisitor | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | An Expression visitor walks a graph of expressions and turns them into a query for the underlying implementation. |
C | ExpressionBuilder | Doctrine\Common\Collections | Builder for Expressions in the {@link Selectable} interface. |
M | eq() | ExpressionBuilder |
M | first() | AbstractLazyCollection | Sets the internal iterator to the first element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | filter() | AbstractLazyCollection | Returns all the elements of this collection that satisfy the predicate p. |
M | forAll() | AbstractLazyCollection | Tests whether the given predicate p holds for all elements of this collection. |
M | first() | ArrayCollection | Sets the internal iterator to the first element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | filter() | ArrayCollection | Returns all the elements of this collection that satisfy the predicate p. |
M | forAll() | ArrayCollection | Tests whether the given predicate p holds for all elements of this collection. |
M | first() | Collection | Sets the internal iterator to the first element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | filter() | Collection | Returns all the elements of this collection that satisfy the predicate p. |
M | forAll() | Collection | Tests whether the given predicate p holds for all elements of this collection. |
M | fromHex() | Color |
M | get() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets the element at the specified key/index. |
M | getKeys() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets all keys/indices of the collection. |
M | getValues() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets all values of the collection. |
M | getIterator() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | get() | ArrayCollection | Gets the element at the specified key/index. |
M | getKeys() | ArrayCollection | Gets all keys/indices of the collection. |
M | getValues() | ArrayCollection | Gets all values of the collection. |
M | getIterator() | ArrayCollection | Required by interface IteratorAggregate. |
M | get() | Collection | Gets the element at the specified key/index. |
M | getKeys() | Collection | Gets all keys/indices of the collection. |
M | getValues() | Collection | Gets all values of the collection. |
M | getWhereExpression() | Criteria | Gets the expression attached to this Criteria. |
M | getOrderings() | Criteria | Gets the current orderings of this Criteria. |
M | getFirstResult() | Criteria | Gets the current first result option of this Criteria. |
M | getMaxResults() | Criteria | Gets maxResults. |
M | getObjectFieldValue() | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Accesses the field of a given object. This field has to be public directly or indirectly (through an accessor get*, is*, or a magic method, __get, __call). |
M | getField() | Comparison | |
M | getValue() | Comparison | |
M | getOperator() | Comparison | |
M | getExpressionList() | CompositeExpression | Returns the list of expressions nested in this composite. |
M | getType() | CompositeExpression | |
M | getValue() | Value | |
M | gt() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | gte() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | getName() | Method | Return the name of the method. |
M | getDescription() | Method | Return the description of the method. |
M | getMethod() | Method | |
M | getSourceCode() | Method | Returns the source code of the closure. |
M | getParameter() | Parameter | Return the parameter value. |
M | getName() | Parameter | Return the name of this parameter. |
M | getTitle() | Report | Return the title of this report. |
M | getDescription() | Report | Return the description of this report. |
M | getJavascript() | Report | Returns the combined and minified JS files from template_dir/asset/js. |
M | getCSS() | Report | |
M | getDuration() | Result | Duration in milliseconds. |
M | getOperations() | Result | Get the number of iterations. |
M | getOperationsPerSecond() | Result | Get the operations per second as a float. |
M | getMethod() | Result | Get the method used to create this result. |
M | getParameter() | Result | Get the parameter that was used to call the method. |
M | get() | ResultBounds | |
M | getMinDuration() | Timer | Sets the minimum duration of a run in milliseconds. |
C | GithubMarkdownExtension | nochso\Benchmark\Twig | Used to register Github flavoured Markdown as a Twig filter. |
M | getFilters() | ReportExtension | Returns the Twig functions of this extension. |
M | getName() | ReportExtension | {@inheritdoc} |
M | getMethods() | Unit | Return first list of all methods. Sorted by score if available. |
M | getParams() | Unit | |
M | getResult() | Unit | |
M | getDescription() | Unit | |
M | getName() | Unit | |
M | get() | UnitList | |
M | getResults() | UnitResult | |
M | getMethodResults() | UnitResult | |
M | getAverageMethodResult() | UnitResult | |
M | getMedianMethodResult() | UnitResult | |
M | getMethodScore() | UnitResult | |
M | getMethodScoreColor() | UnitResult | |
M | getParameterScore() | UnitResult | |
M | getParameterScoreColor() | UnitResult | |
M | getScoreColor() | UnitResult | |
M | getRed() | Color | |
M | getGreen() | Color | |
M | getBlue() | Color | |
M | getBrightness() | Color | Returns the perceived brightness ranging from 0-1, zero being black. |
P | $AbstractLazyCollection | AbstractLazyCollection | |
M | isEmpty() | AbstractLazyCollection | Checks whether the collection is empty (contains no elements). |
M | indexOf() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets the index/key of a given element. The comparison of two elements is strict, that means not only the value but also the type must match. |
M | isInitialized() | AbstractLazyCollection | Is the lazy collection already initialized? |
M | initialize() | AbstractLazyCollection | Initialize the collection |
M | indexOf() | ArrayCollection | Gets the index/key of a given element. The comparison of two elements is strict, that means not only the value but also the type must match. |
M | isEmpty() | ArrayCollection | Checks whether the collection is empty (contains no elements). |
M | isEmpty() | Collection | Checks whether the collection is empty (contains no elements). |
M | indexOf() | Collection | Gets the index/key of a given element. The comparison of two elements is strict, that means not only the value but also the type must match. |
M | isNull() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | in() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | isQuiet() | Out | Decides whether to enable output or not. |
M | join() | Path | Joins any number of arguments into a single path. |
M | key() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets the key/index of the element at the current iterator position. |
M | key() | ArrayCollection | Gets the key/index of the element at the current iterator position. |
M | key() | Collection | Gets the key/index of the element at the current iterator position. |
M | last() | AbstractLazyCollection | Sets the internal iterator to the last element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | last() | ArrayCollection | Sets the internal iterator to the last element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | last() | Collection | Sets the internal iterator to the last element in the collection and returns this element. |
M | lt() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | lte() | ExpressionBuilder |
M | map() | AbstractLazyCollection | Applies the given function to each element in the collection and returns a new collection with the elements returned by the function. |
M | map() | ArrayCollection | Applies the given function to each element in the collection and returns a new collection with the elements returned by the function. |
M | matching() | ArrayCollection | Selects all elements from a selectable that match the expression and returns a new collection containing these elements. |
M | map() | Collection | Applies the given function to each element in the collection and returns a new collection with the elements returned by the function. |
M | matching() | Selectable | Selects all elements from a selectable that match the expression and returns a new collection containing these elements. |
C | Method | nochso\Benchmark | A method that can be benchmarked with optional parameters. |
M | max() | ResultBounds | |
M | min() | ResultBounds |
M | next() | AbstractLazyCollection | Moves the internal iterator position to the next element and returns this element. |
M | next() | ArrayCollection | Moves the internal iterator position to the next element and returns this element. |
M | next() | Collection | Moves the internal iterator position to the next element and returns this element. |
M | neq() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | notIn() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | normalizeSlashes() | Path | Replaces all slashes with $separator. |
M | offsetExists() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | offsetGet() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | offsetSet() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | offsetUnset() | AbstractLazyCollection | {@inheritDoc} |
M | offsetExists() | ArrayCollection | Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
M | offsetGet() | ArrayCollection | Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
M | offsetSet() | ArrayCollection | Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
M | offsetUnset() | ArrayCollection | Required by interface ArrayAccess. |
M | orWhere() | Criteria | Appends the where expression to evaluate when this Criteria is searched for using an OR with previous expression. |
M | orderBy() | Criteria | Sets the ordering of the result of this Criteria. |
M | orX() | ExpressionBuilder | |
M | offsetGet() | UnitList | |
C | Out | nochso\Benchmark\Util | Static helper for command line output. |
M | partition() | AbstractLazyCollection | Partitions this collection in two collections according to a predicate. |
M | partition() | ArrayCollection | Partitions this collection in two collections according to a predicate. |
M | partition() | Collection | Partitions this collection in two collections according to a predicate. |
C | Parameter | nochso\Benchmark | Parameter consists of any mixed value and a name. |
C | Progress | nochso\Benchmark | Progress. |
M | prepareUnitList() | Progress | |
M | prepare() | ResultBounds | |
M | parse() | GithubMarkdownExtension | Parse the provided markdown text. |
C | Path | nochso\Benchmark\Util | Path is utility class with static methods. |
M | remove() | AbstractLazyCollection | Removes the element at the specified index from the collection. |
M | removeElement() | AbstractLazyCollection | Removes the specified element from the collection, if it is found. |
M | remove() | ArrayCollection | Removes the element at the specified index from the collection. |
M | removeElement() | ArrayCollection | Removes the specified element from the collection, if it is found. |
M | remove() | Collection | Removes the element at the specified index from the collection. |
M | removeElement() | Collection | Removes the specified element from the collection, if it is found. |
C | Report | nochso\Benchmark | Report takes a list of Unit objects and creates a HTML report of the results. |
M | run() | Report | Runs all units and creates a HTML report. |
C | Result | nochso\Benchmark | Result contains the test results for a specific method and parameter. |
C | ResultBounds | nochso\Benchmark | ResultBounds. |
C | ReportExtension | nochso\Benchmark\Twig | ReportExtension. |
M | run() | Unit | Runs all combinations and returns results grouped by method name. |
M | set() | AbstractLazyCollection | Sets an element in the collection at the specified key/index. |
M | slice() | AbstractLazyCollection | Extracts a slice of $length elements starting at position $offset from the Collection. |
M | set() | ArrayCollection | Sets an element in the collection at the specified key/index. |
M | slice() | ArrayCollection | Extracts a slice of $length elements starting at position $offset from the Collection. |
M | set() | Collection | Sets an element in the collection at the specified key/index. |
M | slice() | Collection | Extracts a slice of $length elements starting at position $offset from the Collection. |
M | setFirstResult() | Criteria | Set the number of first result that this Criteria should return. |
M | setMaxResults() | Criteria | Sets maxResults. |
M | sortByField() | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Helper for sorting arrays of objects based on multiple fields + orientations. |
I | Selectable | Doctrine\Common\Collections | Interface for collections that allow efficient filtering with an expression API. |
M | step() | Progress | |
M | set() | ResultBounds | |
M | setMinDuration() | Timer | Gets the minimum duration of a run in milliseconds. |
M | setProgress() | Unit | |
M | set() | UnitList | Key will be ignored and the unit's name will be used instead. |
M | toArray() | AbstractLazyCollection | Gets a native PHP array representation of the collection. |
M | toArray() | ArrayCollection | Gets a native PHP array representation of the collection. |
M | toArray() | Collection | Gets a native PHP array representation of the collection. |
M | time() | Method | |
C | Timer | nochso\Benchmark | Timer runs a closure for a minimum duration to ensure stable results. |
M | time() | Timer | Runs and times a closure until a minimum duration has been reached. |
M | textColorForBackground() | ReportExtension | Returns an appropiate foreground color based on the brightness. |
P | $Report | Report | |
C | Unit | nochso\Benchmark | Unit is a list of related methods and the parameters they're called with. |
C | UnitList | nochso\Benchmark | UnitList is a list of Unit objects. |
C | UnitResult | nochso\Benchmark | UnitResult. |
M | visit() | Comparison | |
M | visit() | CompositeExpression | |
M | visit() | Expression | |
C | Value | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | |
M | visit() | Value |
M | where() | Criteria | Sets the where expression to evaluate when this Criteria is searched for. |
M | walkComparison() | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Converts a comparison expression into the target query language output. |
M | walkValue() | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Converts a value expression into the target query language part. |
M | walkCompositeExpression() | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Converts a composite expression into the target query language output. |
M | walkComparison() | ExpressionVisitor | Converts a comparison expression into the target query language output. |
M | walkValue() | ExpressionVisitor | Converts a value expression into the target query language part. |
M | walkCompositeExpression() | ExpressionVisitor | Converts a composite expression into the target query language output. |
M | writeLine() | Out | Outputs a line including newline. |
M | writeSticky() | Out |
M | __construct() | ArrayCollection | Initializes a new ArrayCollection. |
M | __toString() | ArrayCollection | Returns a string representation of this object. |
M | __construct() | Criteria | Construct a new Criteria. |
M | __construct() | Comparison | |
M | __construct() | CompositeExpression | |
M | __construct() | Value | |
M | __construct() | Method | |
M | __construct() | Parameter | |
M | __toString() | Parameter | |
M | __construct() | Report | |
M | __construct() | Result | |
M | __toString() | Result | |
M | __construct() | ResultBounds | |
M | __construct() | Timer | |
M | __construct() | Unit | Both parameters are interpreted as Markdown. |
M | __construct() | UnitList | Initializes a new ArrayCollection. |
M | __construct() | UnitResult | |
M | __construct() | Color | |
M | __toString() | Color |