N | Doctrine\Common\Collections | |
C | AbstractLazyCollection | Lazy collection that is backed by a concrete collection |
C | ArrayCollection | An ArrayCollection is a Collection implementation that wraps a regular PHP array. |
I | Collection | The missing (SPL) Collection/Array/OrderedMap interface. |
C | Criteria | Criteria for filtering Selectable collections. |
N | Doctrine\Common\Collections\Expr | |
C | ClosureExpressionVisitor | Walks an expression graph and turns it into a PHP closure. |
C | Comparison | Comparison of a field with a value by the given operator. |
C | CompositeExpression | Expression of Expressions combined by AND or OR operation. |
I | Expression | Expression for the {@link Selectable} interface. |
C | ExpressionVisitor | An Expression visitor walks a graph of expressions and turns them into a query for the underlying implementation. |
C | Value | |
N | Doctrine\Common\Collections | |
C | ExpressionBuilder | Builder for Expressions in the {@link Selectable} interface. |
I | Selectable | Interface for collections that allow efficient filtering with an expression API. |
N | nochso\Benchmark | |
C | Method | A method that can be benchmarked with optional parameters. |
C | Parameter | Parameter consists of any mixed value and a name. |
C | Progress | Progress. |
C | Report | Report takes a list of Unit objects and creates a HTML report of the results. |
C | Result | Result contains the test results for a specific method and parameter. |
C | ResultBounds | ResultBounds. |
C | Timer | Timer runs a closure for a minimum duration to ensure stable results. |
N | nochso\Benchmark\Twig | |
C | GithubMarkdownExtension | Used to register Github flavoured Markdown as a Twig filter. |
C | ReportExtension | ReportExtension. |
N | nochso\Benchmark | |
C | Unit | Unit is a list of related methods and the parameters they're called with. |
C | UnitList | UnitList is a list of Unit objects. |
C | UnitResult | UnitResult. |
N | nochso\Benchmark\Util | |
C | Color | Color. |
C | Out | Static helper for command line output. |
C | Path | Path is utility class with static methods. |